Gamblers, grifters, hustlers, prize fighters and racetrackers are among my most appealing characters, and I have a keen interest in writing about “low” subjects with a literary twist. Tony Ryan Book Award and was named a "High I'm a Boston-based writer who aspires to give a voice to dark, edgy characters lurking far beneath the radar of mainstream media. My first book, “Not by a Long Shot-A Season at a Hard-Luck Horse Track,” chronicled a year at a blue-collar racetrack. “My Adventures with Your Money: George Graham Rice and the Golden Age of the Con Artist” details the flair and showmanship of America’s greatest swindler. The research for my most recent book immersed me in the dark art of confidence hustling. I'm a Boston-based writer who aspires to give a voice to dark, edgy characters lurking far beneath the radar of mainstream media.